Igniting innovations to advance adolescent health
Launch is an innovation accelerator established because everyone deserves access to solutions that improve health outcomes.
What is Launch?
Launch exists to accelerate bold ideas and exciting innovations designed to advance adolescent health.
By providing funding, connections to deep networks, and other support through a cohort model, Launch enables innovators to rapidly build and test their solutions.

Why join Launch?
Innovation teams of 3 to 5 people are invited to join Launch. They will receive access to:
Connections & capacity-building
Get connected with the resources you need to test innovations and build capacity — because it takes more than funding to reach success.
Pilot funding
Accelerate your idea’s growth with financial resources. Each team accepted to Launch will be awarded up to $150,000.
Integrated youth engagement
Conduct research to understand whether your ideas resonate and engage with youth every step of the way.
Is Launch right for you?

Who should apply?
We want to work with innovators of all backgrounds. We can help ignite your idea, whether you’re conducting youth programming at a community center or place of worship, creating positive content for teens on social media, or building a physical product to bridge a gap.
What happens during the accelerator?
Teams that join the accelerator will work with the Launch team for a full 12 months to build, test and scale their innovation. Launch operates with a hybrid model, with in-person training and demo days paired with remote coaching, training, and educational sessions.
A team of experts to Launch your innovations
Launch is a federally funded partnership among several organizations with expertise in adolescent health, entrepreneurship, youth engagement, commercialization, and more.